10 Must-Have UPSC History Books

When preparing for the prestigious Civil Services exam, studying history is an essential part of the preparation. History is a subject that not only tests your knowledge but also requires a comprehensive understanding of events that have shaped society over time. UPSC history books play a critical role in the preparation process for the Civil Services exam. Here, we have compiled a list of 10 must-have UPSC history books for Civil Services aspirants.

1. India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
Bipan Chandra’s book is a comprehensive and authoritative account of India’s quest for freedom. It covers everything from the struggle for independence led by Gandhi and Nehru to the failing of the Congress Party to unite India after independence.

2. A Brief History of Modern India by Rajiv Ahir
This book provides a concise overview of modern Indian history, from the mid-19th century to the present day. It is written in a clear and concise style and includes maps and charts to support the information presented.

3. India Since Independence by Bipan Chandra
This book is an excellent resource for understanding the complexities of India’s society, politics, and economy since independence. The book covers topics like the formation of states, the rise of regional parties, economic reforms, and more.

4. Ancient and Medieval India by Poonam Dalal Dahiya
This book is an excellent resource for history buffs who want to explore the intricacies of ancient and medieval Indian history. It covers everything from the Indus Valley Civilization to the arrival of the Europeans in India.

5. Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania
This book provides a detailed account of India’s rich artistic and cultural heritage. It covers everything from painting and sculpture to performing art forms like dances, music, and theatre.

6. Modern World History by Norman Lowe
This book provides a comprehensive overview of world history from the late 19th century to the present day. It covers critical events like World War I, the Great Depression, the Russian Revolution, and more.

7. The Wonder That Was India by A.L. Basham
This book is a classic account of Indian history and culture from ancient times to the arrival of the Europeans in India. It covers everything from the Indus Valley Civilization to India’s intellectual and philosophical heritage.

8. The Cambridge Economic History of India edited by Tapan Raychaudhuri and Irfan Habib
This book is an authoritative account of India’s economic history from ancient times to the modern era. It covers critical topics like agriculture, industry, trade, and economic policy.

9. India’s Foreign Policy by Rajiv Sikri
This book is a comprehensive account of India’s foreign policy since independence. It covers India’s role in South Asia, the Non-Aligned Movement, and India’s engagement with the United States, China, and other major powers.

10. India and the World: Through the Ages by D.N. Jha
This book provides an overview of India’s engagement with the world throughout history. It covers topics like India’s relations with ancient civilizations, the impact of European imperialism, and India’s role in the contemporary world.

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