Civil Services Prelims Syllabus

The Civil Services Preliminary Examination (Prelims) is the first stage of the UPSC Civil Services Examination in India. It is designed to screen candidates for the Main Examination. The Prelims consists of two papers: General Studies Paper I and General Studies Paper II (CSAT). Both papers are objective type (multiple choice) and carry equal weightage in terms of marks. Here’s a detailed look at the syllabus for both papers:

General Studies Paper I

This paper tests the candidate’s knowledge of current affairs, history, geography, polity, economy, environment, and general science. The detailed syllabus is as follows:

  1. Current Events of National and International Importance
    • Important national and international events, recent developments in the fields of politics, economics, sports, awards, etc.
  2. History of India and Indian National Movement
    • Ancient, medieval, and modern history of India.
    • Significant events, personalities, and issues in the Indian national movement.
  3. Indian and World Geography – Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World
    • Physical geography: landforms, climate, flora and fauna, etc.
    • Social and economic geography: population distribution, demographics, urbanization, economic activities.
  4. Indian Polity and Governance – Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
    • Constitution of India: preamble, fundamental rights and duties, directive principles.
    • Structure and functioning of the Union and State governments, Panchayati Raj institutions.
    • Public policies and schemes, issues related to governance and the political system.
  5. Economic and Social Development – Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
    • Economic growth and development, poverty alleviation, inclusive growth.
    • Demographic trends, social sector initiatives in health, education, and employment.
  6. Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity, and Climate Change – General Issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity, and Climate Change that do not require subject specialization.
    • Environmental conservation, biodiversity, ecological issues, climate change, environmental policies and regulations.
  7. General Science
    • Basic concepts and developments in physics, chemistry, biology, and everyday science.
    • Application of scientific principles and innovations.

General Studies Paper II (CSAT)

This paper tests the candidate’s aptitude, comprehension, and problem-solving abilities. The detailed syllabus is as follows:

  1. Comprehension
    • Understanding and analyzing written passages.
  2. Interpersonal Skills including Communication Skills
    • Basic communication skills, understanding and interpreting interpersonal situations.
  3. Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability
    • Logical reasoning, data interpretation, and analytical problem-solving skills.
  4. Decision Making and Problem Solving
    • Situational judgment and decision-making skills, problem-solving techniques.
  5. General Mental Ability
    • Numerical and verbal reasoning, basic mathematical skills.
  6. Basic Numeracy (Numbers and their Relations, Orders of Magnitude, etc.) (Class X level)
    • Basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and statistics.
  7. Data Interpretation (Charts, Graphs, Tables, Data Sufficiency, etc.) (Class X level)
    • Interpreting data presented in various formats, basic statistical analysis.

Key Points

  • Both papers are of 200 marks each and the duration for each paper is 2 hours.
  • Paper II (CSAT) is of qualifying nature with minimum qualifying marks fixed at 33%.
  • The marks obtained in Paper I determine the candidate’s qualification for the Main Examination.
  • Negative marking is applicable for wrong answers in both papers.

This syllabus provides a comprehensive framework for the Prelims examination, ensuring that candidates are tested on a wide range of topics and skills necessary for civil service roles.

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