Geography for UPSC

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is one of the toughest competitive examinations in India. The exam encompasses various subjects to test the knowledge and aptitude of the candidates. Geography is one such subject that holds significant weightage and is therefore an important aspect to prepare for. Here is a comprehensive reading list for mastering Geography for UPSC:

1. Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong: This is one of the most recommended books for beginners. It covers basic concepts that are covered in school syllabus as well as advanced topics. It covers both Physical and Human Geography of India and the world.

2. Indian and World Geography by Majid Husain: This book is a popular choice for UPSC aspirants. It covers detailed information on physical, economic, and social aspects of geography in India and the world. It has a comprehensive approach to the subject and is a must-read for UPSC aspirants.

3. Geography of India by Majid Husain: This book specifically focuses on the geography of India, including physical, economic, and social aspects. It covers all geographical aspects of the country and helps in understanding the Indian subcontinent in detail.

4. Economic and Social Geography Made Simple by Rupa Publication: As the name suggests, this book offers a simplified approach to the Geography of India and the world. It highlights important facts and figures of various economies and societies across the globe.

5. The Orient Blackswan School Atlas by Orient Blackswan: This book is an essential tool for anyone preparing for UPSC. It covers detailed maps of India and the world, highlighting the physical and political boundaries, administrative divisions, and cultural diversity. It helps in understanding the spatial pattern of the world and enhances geographical knowledge.

6. Geography NCERTs: NCERT textbooks are the foundation of any subject in school education. For Geography, NCERTs from class 6th to 12th must be studied thoroughly. It gives a deep understanding of the concepts and helps in forming a strong base for further studies.

7. Oxford School Atlas: This Atlas provides a detailed explanation of the physical, political, and demographic features of the world. It contains more than 120 maps that provide a better understanding of geography and helps in increasing analytical skills.

8. Atlas of India by Oxford University Press: This Atlas provides insight into the rich cultural heritage and diversity of India. It contains more than 130 maps with detailed explanations of physical and political dimensions of the country.

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