IAS Exam Negative Marking

Yes, the IAS exam, specifically the Preliminary Examination, includes a system of negative marking. Here are the details regarding negative marking:

Preliminary Examination

The Preliminary Examination consists of two papers:

  1. General Studies Paper I
  2. General Studies Paper II (CSAT)

For both papers, the marking scheme and the negative marking details are as follows:

  1. General Studies Paper I
    • Total Marks: 200
    • Number of Questions: 100
    • Marks per Question: 2
    • Negative Marking: 1/3rd of the marks assigned to a question (0.66 marks) will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
  2. General Studies Paper II (CSAT)
    • Total Marks: 200
    • Number of Questions: 80
    • Marks per Question: 2.5
    • Negative Marking: 1/3rd of the marks assigned to a question (0.83 marks) will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

Important Points

  • No marks are deducted for unanswered questions.
  • It is advisable to avoid guessing if you are unsure of the correct answer due to the negative marking.

This negative marking system is intended to discourage random guessing and to ensure that candidates answer questions accurately.

The Main Examination does not have negative marking, as it consists of descriptive, essay-type questions rather than multiple-choice questions.

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