Top 10 Must-Have UPSC Books for Prelims

The UPSC Civil Services Examination is one of the most competitive exams in India. It requires sufficient knowledge, strategic planning, and adequate preparation to qualify. To crack the UPSC Prelims, choosing the right books is crucial. Here, we present the top 10 must-have UPSC books for prelims that will help you prepare for the exam and achieve your dream of becoming an IAS/IPS officer.

1. Indian Polity by Laxmikant: This book is considered the holy grail for UPSC aspirants when it comes to Indian Polity and Governance. This book covers all essential topics related to the Constitution of India, the parliamentary system, local governments, and the judiciary. You can also find previous year question papers and updated topics in the latest edition.

2. India Year Book: This book is an excellent source to gain knowledge about various important aspects of India, including arts and culture, economy, and governance. The India Year Book is an annual publication by the Government of India and provides valuable information related to policies, plans, schemes, and programs.

3. General Science by Arihant Publications: The General Science book is an all-inclusive book that covers basic science concepts and their applications relevant for the UPSC exam. With previous year solved papers, this book is an essential for preliminary examination.

4. History of Modern India by Bipan Chandra: Indian history remains one of the significant topics in the UPSC Prelims. The book covers the events that have shaped the country from the 1857 revolt to independence. The lucid language and well-explained concepts make it a must-read book for prelims.

5. 20 Years IAS Prelims Topic-wise Solved Papers: This book is compiled to help aspirants gauge the pattern of the exam. With more than 4000 MCQs from previous years papers, it provides a comprehensive study material for aspirants preparing for IAS Prelims Exam.

6. India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra: UPSC takes Indian history seriously, and this book presents the significant events and personalities of the Indian independence movement. The book also provides insight into socio-political developments in India during the British Raj.

7. Geography of India by Majid Hussain: This book is all about Indian geography covering various aspects like physical geography, climate, vegetation, and biodiversity. The latest edition comes with quick revision updates, a map collection, and solved previous year papers.

8. Economic Survey: The Economic Survey is an annual publication by the Ministry of Finance and presents the latest developments, achievements, challenges, and government initiatives in the Indian economy. Reading this book helps you acquire an understanding of economic concepts, policies, and benchmarks.

9. Environment & Ecology by Rajagopalan: This book covers all relevant topics related to ecology, biodiversity, climate change, water resource management, and environmental laws and policies in a comprehensive manner. The book also contains MCQs, practice questions and previous year solved papers of IAS Prelims exam.

10. Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S Agarwal: Reasoning is an essential aspect of the UPSC Prelims exam, and acquiring a good hold over it is a must. This book by R.S. Agarwal is regarded as the best book for reasoning topics and covers all logical reasoning topics, including syllogism, coding-decoding, analogy, classification and more.

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