UPSC Mains Paper II General Studies English Syllabus

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the Civil Services Examination every year for the recruitment of candidates to the prestigious posts of Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and Indian Foreign Service (IFS), among others. The examination consists of three phases – Prelims, Mains, and Interview. Of these, the Mains phase is the most crucial and consists of nine papers, including Paper II of General Studies (GS-II).

The GS-II paper is intended to evaluate the candidate’s understanding of the Indian polity and governance, international relations, and social issues. The paper is divided into three parts – Part A, Part B, and Part C. In this article, we will delve deeper into the GS-II syllabus and understand its dynamics.

Part A – Indian Constitution and Polity

The first part of the GS-II paper focuses on the Indian Constitution, its features, and its working. It includes topics such as Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy, Parliament and State Legislatures, Judiciary, and the role of the Election Commission. Candidates are expected to have a thorough understanding of the Constitution of India and its provisions.

Part B – Governance

The second part of the GS-II paper deals with governance, including the public policy, bureaucracy, and its role in governance, the knowledge of the Right to Information Act, and the relationship between the Centre and States. Candidates should have knowledge of the working of various government institutions and policies and recent developments in the field of governance.

Part C – International Relations and Social Justice

The third part of the GS-II paper includes topics such as India’s foreign policy, international organizations, and agreements that India is a part of. Candidates should have knowledge of the country’s role in international affairs, including its economic and strategic interests. Social justice topics include issues related to vulnerable sections such as women, children, and minorities. Candidates must have an understanding of the social, economic, and political challenges faced by these groups.

Tips to Prepare for GS-II

– Read the NCERT books of CBSE from classes 6 to 12 thoroughly.
– Read newspapers and magazines regularly to stay updated on current affairs and developments in the field of polity and governance.
– Practise answer writing regularly, focusing on being precise and concise.
– Revise regularly to avoid missing important topics.

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