UPSC Mains Paper III: General Studies II Syllabus

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the Civil Services Examination to recruit candidates for administrative positions in various government departments and organizations. The examination consists of three stages- Preliminary, Mains, and Interview. The UPSC Mains exam comprises nine papers, out of which General Studies II (Paper III) is one of the important papers that the candidates need to crack.

General Studies II (Paper III) is one of the four papers that come under the General Studies category in the Mains examination. The paper carries a total of 250 marks and is conducted for three hours. The syllabus for this paper is designed to evaluate a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of governance, polity, social justice, and international relations. The paper is divided into five sections, which are explained in detail below.

Section A: Governance, Constitution, and Polity

This section tests the candidate’s knowledge of the Indian Constitution, governance, and polity. Candidates are required to have an in-depth understanding of the various Acts, policies, and amendments related to governance and polity. The topics covered in this section are:

1. Indian Constitution- Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Duties, Union and its territory, and Federal system.
2. Indian Judiciary- Structure, functions, and appointments.
3. Parliament- Structure, functions, and committees.
4. Executive- President, Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, and their functions.
5. State Governments- Governor, Chief Minister, State Legislature, and their functions.

Section B: Social Justice and International Relations

This section aims to test a candidate’s knowledge of social issues and their understanding of international relations. Candidates must have an understanding of social issues and the initiatives taken by the government and other organizations to address them. The topics included in this section are:

1. Indian Society- Diversity, Social Justice, Social Empowerment, and vulnerable sections.
2. Salient features of the world’s physical geography.
3. International organizations- United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and their functioning.
4. Bilateral, regional, and global groupings and agreements involving India.
5. Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice, and International Relations

Candidates are expected to read extensively on the topics included in the syllabus. The best way to prepare for General Studies II (Paper III) is by following a structured study plan, practicing mock tests and previous year question papers. Candidates must also stay updated with the latest developments around the world in the areas covered in the syllabus.

The exam is conducted in three stages: Prelims, Mains, and Interview. The Mains exam is a critical stage in the selection process that evaluates a candidate’s intellectual depth and understanding of the subject. One of the most important papers of the Mains exam is General Studies II, also known as Paper III. This paper consists of questions related to Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice, and International Relations.

General Studies II is a 250 marks paper that comprises 20 questions, including 10 compulsory essay questions. Candidates are required to answer five compulsory questions out of the remaining 10 questions. Each question carries 12.5 marks, and the essays are of 125 marks each. The syllabus of General Studies II covers a variety of essential topics, ranging from the Indian Constitution to various welfare schemes.

Indian Constitution and Polity

The Indian Constitution is fundamental to Indian polity and governance. The syllabus for General Studies II covers topics related to the Indian Constitution, such as the Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy, Union and State Legislature, and Executive. Candidates should study the constitutional provisions related to Emergency Provisions, Judiciary, Local Government, and Electoral System.

Governance and Welfare Schemes

The syllabus also covers Governance, including accountability and transparency mechanisms, Welfare Schemes, and their implementation. The candidates should be aware of various Welfare Schemes launched by the Government of India related to education, health, food security, and employment. They should also have a good understanding of the objectives, implementation, and impact of these schemes.

International Relations

In the international relations segment, candidates should focus on India’s foreign policy, its relations with neighboring countries and major powers, and India’s contribution to the United Nations and other international organizations. Moreover, candidates should also know about the Non-Aligned Movement, Disarmament, and Globalization.

Social Justice

Social Justice is an integral part of the General Studies II syllabus. Candidates should study various Constitutional provisions and statutory frameworks that are designed to promote social justice. Topics like population, urbanization, inclusive growth, and social empowerment should be thoroughly studied.

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