UPSC Prelims General Studies Paper 1 Syllabus

The UPSC Prelims General Studies Paper 1 is one of the most important papers in the UPSC examination. It lasts for two hours and consists of 100 multiple-choice questions. The primary aim of the paper is to test the overall knowledge of the candidates in a variety of subjects.

In this article, we are going to take a closer look at the syllabus for the UPSC Prelims General Studies Paper 1. It is important to note that the syllabus is vast and covers a range of topics.

Current Affairs

This section is particularly important as it will test your knowledge about events happening around the world. Candidates will be tested on their understanding of national and international current events, including politics, economics, and diplomacy.


Another important section of the UPSC Prelims General Studies Paper 1 is Indian history. You should be familiar with the ancient, medieval, and modern history of India. Subjects include important events like the Indus Valley Civilization, the Mughal Empire, and the Indian Independence movement.


Geography is another crucial area that you need to be well-versed in. This section will test your knowledge about physical geography, which includes mountains, rivers, and oceans. It will also test your ability to read and interpret maps.

Polity and Governance

This section of the syllabus covers the Indian Constitution, the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. You should be familiar with the different government policies, laws, and institutions.


Candidates must also have a good understanding of micro and macroeconomics. You should be familiar with the concepts of supply and demand, inflation, and development policies.

Environment and Ecology

Another important section of the syllabus is the environment and ecology section. Candidates should have a good understanding of wildlife protection, conservation efforts, biodiversity, and sustainable development.

Science and Technology

Candidates should also have knowledge of scientific concepts and their applications. The syllabus for science and technology covers physics, chemistry, and biology.

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